Need to know a little bit more about the Sage integration? Read through our frequently asked questions, for clear and concise answers.
To disconnect a company, click “Group” -> “Integrations” -> Select the company you want to disconnect and click “Disconnect from Sage.”
Quick Consols doesn’t currently fetch exchange rate information from Sage . Exchange rates are either automated through or manually updated. Quick Consols doesn’t bring in any transactional information from Sage.
Syncing of data happens automatically at around midnight on a daily basis. Users can also run the integration for a specific company by clicking “Group” -> “Integrations” -> Select the company you want to run and click “Run Integration.”
It costs nothing; this is a value-added service provided by Quick Consols and Sage.
Quick Consols has an informative dashboard for all its integrations on the home screen. Click the dashboard item called “Integrations” to see the status and detailed information on each of the integrations in your group.
All events are tracked in Quick Consols and can be accessed in two ways. For integration-specific events, click “Group” -> “Integrations” -> Select the company you want to view and click “View History.” For all events affecting a specific company, click “Companies” -> Select the relevant company -> Click “Events.”
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